Post Approval

The AMM post-assessment will resemble a limit order based exchange. Under some constraints, people, not just managers, can buy/sell longZCB and shortZCB by submitting and filling orders.

However, there is a constraint placed by the protocol for people who want to buy shortZCB. For instruments where the outcome is subject to manipulations(for cases such as loans, the borrower can choose not to repay), to prevent malicious attacks, one has to hold and stake the underlying VT, where the funds will be locked.

As an example, a potential shortZCB buyer looking to hedge before an unsecured fixed term loan matures would submit an order with the following info. The order would be queued and can be filled by a price and orderId basis.

  bool isLong; 
  uint256 price; 
  uint256 amount; 
  uint256 orderId; 
  address owner; 

The order filler is either a potential longZCB buyer who is bullish on the instrument, or, in the case of perpetual instruments where redemptions are always allowed(under liquidity conditions), an arbitrageur who can buy longZCB and redeem it instantly.

Some Reasons to Trade After Assessment

  1. Vault holder wants to hedge particular instrument -> buy shortZCB

  2. Gain extra exposure to particular instrument -> buy longZCB

  3. Offload some risk as a manager -> sell longZCB

  4. Trade bad debt & defaulted loans

Additional details are in Post Approval

Last updated